Organization of conferences and workshops

  • ISO meeting TC23/SC6 - 10-14 June 2019
  • AAB Dose Expression Workshop - 6-7 November 2018
Dose expression for "3D" crops represents one of the most controversial aspects linked with a proper and optimised use of pesticides. Researchers, regulatory bodies and prívate companies have been working in the last years in arder to find a reasonable, logical, objective and harmonized method to express the amount of pesticide to be applied in crops as vineyard and orchards. This workshop was addressed to go a step forward in this challenge topic, combining experiences from different stakeholders and providing possible improvements to the subject.

- Presentations

  • 6th SPISE WORKSHOP – Standardization Procedure for Inspections of Spreayers in Europe - 13-15 September 2016
The 6th edition of SPISE workshop covered important aspects: The recently published harmonized EN ISO 16122 for inspection of sprayers in use, and the deadline according the EU Directive 2009/128/EC – November 26th 2016 – for the accomplishment of the official mandate. It was an interesting opportunity to evaluate the present situation on MS and to understand the difficulties encountered and the necessary actions needed to solve them. It was also possible for the participants to evaluate and discuss about the recently entered in force harmonized standard on the inspections of sprayers used in greenhouse (ISO EN 16122-4). More information.
  • AAB IAPA 2016. International advances in pesticide application - 13-15 January 2016
This international event marked the 14th occasion of this biennial conference and provided an opportunity to discuss pesticide (and bio-pesticide) application issues in an informal setting with platform and poster presentations. Key workers from research institutes, industry and regulatory authorities provided a unique mix of biological and engineering sciences. More information.
  • AAB Workshop on Developments in hand-held application techniques - 28-29 October 2014
The application of pesticides and biocides using hand held and manually portable equipment is often overlooked in favour of larger, seemingly more sophisticated equipment. This workshop offered a platform for discussion and demonstration of equipment and techniques often found in the horticultural and amenity sectors. Various physical and environmental factors may compromise the delivery and effectiveness of the treatment to the target.