García-Ruiz, F., Campos, J., Salcedo R. Gil, E. (2022). Caracterización de la vegetación mediante teledetección y generación de mapas de prescripción para una aplicación variable de fitosanitarios en viña. In: V Congreso Nacional de Ingenieros Agrónomos. Lleida (Spain). September (2022).
Salcedo, R., Zhu, H., Jeon, H., Campos, J., Roman, C., Ozkan, E., Wei, Z., Gil, E. (2022). Droplet size classifications for hollow-cone nozzles manipulated with two different PWM valves. In: ASABE Meeting. Houston (TX, USA), July (2022).
Zhu, H., Ozkan, E., Salcedo, R., Jeon, H., Falchieri, D. (2022). Foliar deposition and off-target loss in young apple orchard with PWM-controlled spray systems. In Balsari, P., Butler-Ellis, C., Cooper, S., Gil, E., Glass, R., Magri, B., Mountford-Smith, C., Nuyttens, D., Thomas, J., van de Zande, J. (Eds.), Aspects of Applied Biology 147 International Advances in Pesticide Application (pp. 149-156). Münster (Germany).
Campos, J., Zhu, H., Ozkan, E., Jeon, H., Salcedo, R. (2022). Performance of PWM solenoid valves at high pressures and operating frequencies connected to hollow cone nozzles. In: ASABE Meeting. Houston (TX, USA). July (2022).
Jeon, H., Zhu, H., Roman, C., Salcedo, R., Campos, J., Ozkan, E. (2022). Development of variable rate spray controller using a stereo vision for specialty crops. In: 5th SIMA Agritechday: International exhibition of solutions and technologies for efficient and sustainable agriculture. Paris (France). November (2022).
Zhu, H., Salcedo, R., Jeon, H., Ozkan, E., Wei, Z., Gil, E., Campos, J., Román, C. (2022). Comprehension of PWM solenoid valves to control hollow-cone nozzles for precision variable-rate orchard sprayers. In: 5th SIMA Agritechday: International exhibition of solutions and technologies for efficient and sustainable agriculture. Paris (France). November (2022).
Navarro, M., Salcedo, R., García-Ruiz, F., Salas, B., Xun, L., Gil, E. (2022). First comparison between two different variable rate technologies for orchard: ultrasonic sensors and based on maps. In: 5th SIMA Agritechday: International exhibition of solutions and technologies for efficient and sustainable agriculture. Paris (France). November (2022).
Sánchez, E., García-Ruiz, F.J., Ortega Dictadora, P., Gil, E., Portella, A., de la Fuente, M. (2022). COPPEREPLACE: Desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías para reducir la aplicación de cobre en los viñedos de la región SUDOE. In: IV Jornadas de Viticultura de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de Hortícolas (SECH). Pamplona (Spain). October (2022).
García-Ruiz, F., Salcedo, R., Biscamps, J., Rovira-Mas, F., Cuenca, A., Gil, E. (2022). Caracterización de válvulas PWM y validación de un sistema de aplicación variable de fitosanitarios basado en mapas en el viñedo. In: IV Jornadas de Viticultura de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de Hortícolas (SECH). Pamplona (Spain). October (2022).
Sánchez, E., García-Ruiz, F., Gil, E. (2022). New spray technologies to reduce the use of copper in vineyard. Accomplishment of EU sustainability requirements. Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability. Oporto (Portugal). GreenUPorto – Sustainable Agrifood Production Research Centre.
Olkiewicz,M., Montornes, J.M., Ortega,P., Sánchez, E., Gil,E., Tylkowski, B. Enhancement of copper deposition on plant leaves by its encapsulation. Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability. Oporto (Portugal). GreenUPorto – Sustainable Agrifood Production Research Centre
Berger, L. T., Polder, G., Tsiropoulos, Z., Gil, E., Blok, P. M., Ortega, P., Voskakis, M. 2022. Zone-selective plant protection based on AI pest early detection. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 71-78. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Llop, J., Gibert, P., Biscamps, J., R Heinkel, Gil, E. 2022. Assessment of the influence of the nozzle’s pattern and spray distance on vertical spray profile. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 55-61. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Mozzanini, E., Gioelli, F., Marucco, P., Grella, M., Nuyttens, D., Gil, E., Codis, S., Tsiropoulos, Z., Stamatelopoulos, P., Nilsson, E., Balsari, P. 2022. The INNOSETA Platform: a web-tool to support dissemination of innovation and research in the crop protection sector. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 27-35. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Roettele, M., Balsari, P., Doruchowski, G., Dyson, J., Gil, E., Kicinski, M., Lesnik, M., Laabs, V., Marucco, P. 2022. Best management practices to keep pesticides out of water from point sources - Online self asssessment and training tool. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 11-18. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Codis, S., Lewis, M., Hugo, E., Gil, E., Gioelli, F., Balsari, P., Koutsouris, A., Nuyttens, D., Fountas, S., Koutsiaras, M., Tsiropoulos, S., Donkers, D., Nilsson, E. 2022. INNOSETA regional workshops: analysis of the needs for better dissemination of spraying innovations in vineyards and orchards. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, 1-9. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Ortega, P., Sanchez, E., Tylkowski, B., Olkiewicz, M., Montornes, J. M., Gil, E. 2022. New method to increase deposition: Copper microencapsulation. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 283-288. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Salas, B., Ortega, P., Berger, L T., Gil, E. 2022. Smart orchard sprayer to adjust pesticide dose to canopy characteristics. Aspects of Applied Biology 147, 17th International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 157-164. Münster (Germany). 27–29 September.
- Salcedo, R., Zhu, H., Jeon, H., Ozkan, E., Wei, Z., Gil, E. 2021. Characterization of volumetric droplet size distributions from PWM-controlled hollow-cone nozzles designed for variable-rate air-assisted sprayers. Paper number 2100038. In 2021 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Ortega, P., Salas, B., Balsari, P., Polder, G., Fountas, S., Nyuttens, D., Jesus, J., Balafoutis, T., Gil, E. 2020. H2020 - OPTIMA - Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables. Aspects of Applied Biology 144, International Advances in Pesticide Application, 221-227. Brighton (UK). 28–30 January.
- Garcerá, C., Muñoz, A., Balsari, P., Coscollá, C., Gil, E., Cano, A., Zamora, D., Codis, S., Calvete-Sogo, H., Gallart, M., López, A., Marucco, P., Castro, J., Fernández, G., Delpuech X., Chueca, P. 2020. PERFECT LIFE PROJECT: Pesticide reduction using friendly and environmentally controlled technologies. Aspects of Applied Biology 144, International Advances in Pesticide Application, 301-302. Brighton (UK). 28–30 January.
- Badules, J., Gil, E., García-Ramos, F. J. 2020. Simulation of pesticide application in vineyards using CFD: Study of off-target losses and treatment optimization. Aspects of Applied Biology 144, International Advances in Pesticide Application, 229-239. Brighton (UK). 28–30 January.
- Gil, E., Gallart, M., Gioelli, F., Balsari, P., Koutsouris, A., Codis, S., Nuyttens, D., Fountas, S. 2020. INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection. Aspects of Applied Biology 144, International Advances in Pesticide Application, 211-220. Brighton (UK). 28–30 January.
- Gil, E., Ortega, P., Salas, B., Andreu, F., Berger, L. T., Fountas, S., Nuyttens, D. 2020. Development of a methodology to select the optimal application technologies in apple crop – EU Project OPTIMA-H2020. Aspects of Applied Biology 144, International Advances in Pesticide Application, 67-75. Brighton (UK). 28–30 January.
Gil, E., Biscamps, J., Llop, J., Valera, M., Heinkel, R. 2019. Flat fan or cone nozzles for Spray Distribution in orchards and vineyard? Effect of nozzle type and row distance on the vertical distribution. In: 15th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing(SuproFruit 2019), East Malling, UK, July 16 - 18, 2019.
Campos, J., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Salcedo, R., Ortega, P., Gil, E. 2019. Comprobación de un sistema de aplicación variable basado en mapas de vegetación obtenidos con un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV). In: X Congreso Ibérico de Agroengenieria 2019, Huesca, Spain, September 3 – 6, 2019.
Campos, J., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Gil, E. 2019. Monitoring site-specific spraying in vineyards from a prescription map obtained with a UAV. In: The 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture - ECPA, Montpellier, France, July 8 – 11, 2019.
Gil, E., Campos, J., Ortega, P. 2018. Spanish’s experience on improving inspection of sprayers: official manual for ISO 16122 and ISO 16119. Seventh European Workshop on Standardised Procedure for the Inspection of Sprayers – SPISE 7 -, Athens, Greece, September 26 – 28, 2018. Berichte aus dem Julius-Kühn-Institut. Vol. 196(24.09.2018). DOI: 10.5073/berjki.2018.196.000.
Miranda-Fuentes, A.; Cuenca, A.; Godoy-Nieto, A.; Gonzalez-Sánchez, EJ.; Gil, E.; Llorens, J.; Gil-Ribes, J. 2018. Reducing spray drift by adapting the spraying equipment to the canopy shape in olive orchards with isolated trees. Aspects of Applied Biology 137 International Advances in Pesticide Application. Brighton (UK).
Gil, E., Salcedo, R., Campos, J., Llop, J., Ortega, P., Gallart, M. 2018. Orchard sprayer’s evaluation according ISO 16119-3. Need to support manufacturer’s procedure. Aspects of Applied Biology 137 International Advances in Pesticide Application. Brighton (UK).
Salcedo, R., Llop, J., Gallart, M., Campos, J., Ortega, P., Gil, E. 2017. Estudio de la turbulencia del aire y su efecto en la distribución de producto en carretillas adaptadas para tratamientos en invernaderos. IX Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas, Bragança, Portugal, September 2017.
Gil, E:, Salcedo, R., Gallart, M., Campos, J., Llop, J., Roettele, M. 2017. Valoración sobre la actuación de los agricultores respecto a la contaminación del agua durante la aplicación de fitosanitarios (proyecto europeo TOPPS). IX Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas, Bragança, Portugal, September 2017.
Campos, J. Gil, E., Gallart, M., Llorens, J., Salcedo, R., Llop, J. 2017. Lidar vs. test bench measurement of drift as affected by sprayer type, air flow, nozzle type and density of vine canopy. 14th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2017) (Hasselt, Belgium). pp 39-40.
Salcedo, R., Llop, J., Chueca, P., Garcera, C., Gallart, M., Campos, J., Ortega, P., Gil, E. 2017. 2D CFD simulations of the air profile of three sprayers adpated to tomato crops in greenhouse conditions. 14th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2017) (Hasselt, Belgium). pp 43-44.
Miranda-Fuentes, A., Marucco, P., Gil, E., González-Sánchez, Grella, M., Balsari, P., 2017. Increasing droplet size in pneumatic cannon-type nozzles to reduce spray drift. 14th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2017) (Hasselt, Belgium). pp 54-55
Roettele, M., Gallart, M., Gil, E. 2017. Perceptions on how to reduce the risk of Plant Protection Product (PPP) losses to surface water in fruit production. Results from European TOPPS stakeholder survey 2016. 14th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2017) (Hasselt, Belgium). pp 60-61.
Gil, E., Díez-Navajas, AM., Llop, J., Gallart, M., Campos J. 2016 LIFE-FITOVID Project: training actions to promote the inspection of sprayers in use in two wine designation of origini of the Basque country (Spain).Sixth European Workshop on standardised procedure for the inspection of sprayers in Europe-SPISE-, Castelldefels, Spain, 13-15 September, 2016 (pp. 197-203).
Llorens, J., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Miranda-Fuentes, Gil, E. 2016. Difficulties to apply ISO 22866 requirements for drift measurement. A particular case of traditional olive tree plantations. International Advances in Pesticide Applications. Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain, January, 2016.
Gil, E., Gracia, F., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Llorens, J. 2016. From international to local scope. Training activities to improve the effective and profitable SUD implementation. International Advances in Pesticide Applications. Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain, January, 2016.
- Palleja, T., Landers, A., Llorens, J., Gil, E. 2016. Real time spraying adjustments using in-canopy sensors to measure deposition. International Advances in Pesticide Applications. Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain, January, 2016.
Gil, E., Llop, J., Gallart, M., Valera, M., Llorens, J. 2015. Design and evaluation of a manual device for air flow rate adjustment in spray application in vineyard. 13th Worhshop on Spray Application in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2015). Lindau (Germany), July 2015. pp. 8-9.
Llop, J., Gil, E., Gallart, M., Llorens, J. 2015. Improvements of spray applications in greenhouses using hand-held trolleys with air assistance. 13th Worhshop on Spray Application in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit). Lindau (Germany), July 2015. pp. 12-13.
Gil E., Gallart, M., Picón, A., Echazarra, J., Barrio, R., Sampedro, C., Barranco, A., Rainieri, S., Ortiz, A., Díez-Navajas, AM. 2015. Project LIFE-FITOVID- Implementation of Demonstrative & Innovative Strategies to reduce the use of phytosanitary products in viticulture. 13th Worhshop on Spray Application in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2015). Lindau (Germany), July 2015. pp. 70-71.
González, E., Román, J., Gil, E., Gallart, M. 2014. Train Operators to Promote best Practices and Sustainability-PROtection WAter from DIffuse Sources (TOPPS-Prowadis). 13th IUPAC Congress, Agro 416. San Francisco, USA, August 2014.
Gil, E., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Ercilla, M., Domènech, F., Masip, P. 2014. Effect of low-drift nozzles on the biological effectiveness to control powdery mildew in vineyards. 7th International Workshop on Grapevine Downy and Powdery Mildew. Vitoria, Spain, June-July, 2014. pp. 51-54.
Balsari, P., Gil, E., Marucco, P., Gallart, M., Bozzer, C., Llop, J., Tamagnone, M. 2014. Study and development of a test methodology to assess potential drift generated by air-assisted sprayers. International Advances in Pesticide Applications. Oxford, UK, January, 2014. pp. 339-346.
Gil, E., Gallart, M., Llorens, J., Llop, J., Bayer, T., Carvalho, C. 2014. Spray adjustments based on LWA concept in vineyard. Relationship between canopy and coverage for different application settings. International Advances in Pesticide Applications. Oxford, UK, January 2014. pp. 25-32.
Llorens, J., and A. Landers. 2014. Variable rate spraying: digital canopy measurement for air and liquid electronic control. International Advances in Pesticide Applications. Oxford, UK, January 2014. pp. 1-8.
Llop, J., Gil, E., Balsari, P.. 2014. Nozzle characterization of knapsack sprayers. Workshop Developments in hand-held application techniques, Castelldefels, Spain, October, 2014.
Ercilla, M., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Gil, E. 2014. Projecte formatiu per a la millora de les pràctiques fitosanitàries a la conca de l’Ebre. XI Jornada de Protecció Vegetal. Mengem SA. Barcelona, Spain, February 2014. pp. 19-27.
Gil, E., Jimenez, A., Gacía-Ramos, FJ. 2014. Manual for inspection of sprayers in use and PRITEAF, dedicated software for inspection of sprayers: success tools developed for the inspector’s training process in Spain. IV SPISE Workshop – Standardization Procedure for Inspection of Sprayers in Europe. Montpellier, France, October 2014. pp. 101.
Gil, E., Gallart, M., Llop, J., Ercilla, M. 2013. Formación para la prevención de la deriva: factor clave para la mejora de las aplicaciones de fitosanitarios. Proyecto TOPPS-Prowadis. VII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas, pp. 1-6. Madrid, Spain, August 2013. pp. 1-6.
Llop, J., Gil, E., Gallart, M., Bayer, T., Sanchez-Hermosilla, J. 2013. Efecto del número y tipo de boquillas en la calidad de las aplicaciones en invernaderos con barras verticales. VII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingenieria y Ciencias Hortícolas. Madrid, Spain, August 2013.
Gil, E., Gallart, M., Doruchowski, G., Balsari, P., Codis, S., Marucco, P., Roettele, M., Herbst, A., Pauwelyn, E. 2013. Drift mitigation training: Key point to improve pesticide use. 12th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2013), pp. Valencia, Spain, June 2013. pp. 159-161.
Llop, J., Gil, E., Gallart, M., Bayer, T., Sanchez-Hermosilla, J. 2013. Spray distribution produced by a hand-held trolley boom sprayer in greenhouses. 12th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit2013). Valencia, Spain, June 2013.
Rinaldi, M., Llorens, J., Gil, E. 2013. Electronic characterization of the phenological stages of grapevine using a LIDAR sensor. 9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Lleida, Spain, July 2013. pp. 603-609.
Llorens, J., Gil, E., Duarte, S., Llop, J. 2012. First results using terrestrial LIDAR sensor for drift detection in vineyard spraying. AgEng 2012 - International Conference of Agricultural Engineering. Valencia, Spain, July 2012.
Gil, E., Gallart, M., Llorens, J., Llop, J. 2012. Determination of Drift Potent. ial Value (DPV) for different flat fan nozzles using a horizontal drift test bench. AgEng 2012 - International Conference of Agricultural Engineering. Valencia, Spain, July 2012.
Llop, J., Gil, E., Llorens, J. 2012. Inspecció d'equips d'aplicació de fitosanitaris. Experiència pilot al Baix Llobregat: Necessitat imperiosa de millora. X Jornada de Protecció Vegetal ICEA. Castelldefels, Spain, Febraury 2012. pp. 29.
Gil, E., Montemayor, V., Gracia, F. 2012. The official procedure for mandatory inspection of sprayers in use in Spain. How to deal with regional autonomous authorities. IV SPISE Workshop – Standardization Procedure for Inspection of Sprayers in Europe. Lana, Italy, October 2012..
Gallart, M., Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J., Duarte, S. 2012. TOPPS-PROWADIS: Un nou projecte per reduir la contaminació de les aigüe. X Jornada de Protecció Vegetal ICEA. Castelldefels, Spain, October 2012. pp. 31.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J. 2012. New technologies adapted to alternative dose expression concepts. Aspects of applied Biology, 114, International Advances in Pesticide Application, pp. 325-333. Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Llop, J., Gil, E., Llorens, J. 2011 Campaña de inspecciones en el Baix Llobregat (Barcelona): necesidad imperiosa de mejora del sector productivo. VI Congreso Ibérico de Agroingenieria y Ciencias Hortícolas, Evora, Portugal, September, 2011.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J. 2011. DOSAVIÑA: Five years of successful experiences in field tests. SuproFruit 2011. Bergerac (France).
Llorens, J., Gil, E., Llop, J. 2011. The error of speed and path deviation during proportional spray application in vineyard. Analysis and consequences. 11th Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2011). Bergerac (France).
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J., 2009. Aplicación variable de fitosanitarios en viña utilizando sensores de ultrasonidos. Ajuste del volumen en función de las características de la vegetación. V Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Ibérico Agroingenieria. Lugo, Spain, October 2009.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J., 2009. Proyecto TOPPS: Buenas practicas, mejor protección del agua. La apuesta europea por la formación. V Congreso Nacional y II Congreso Ibérico Agroingenieria. Lugo, Spain, October 2009.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J., 2009. Precision viticulture: Use of new technologies to improve efficiency in spray applications in vineyard. CIGR Section V International Symposium. “Technology and Management to Increase the Eficiency in Sustainable Agricultural Systems”. Rosario, Argentina, September 2009.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J., 2009, Variable rate technology for vineyard sprayers: challenges of electronic devices for crop characterization. X Workshop on Spray Application Techniques in Fruit Growing (SuproFruit 2009). Wageningen, NT, September-October 2009.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J. 2009. Precision Viticulture: Use of New Technologies to Improve Efficiency in Spray Applications in Vineyard. The CIGR Ejournal. International Commission of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Section V. Conference “Technology and Management to Increase the Efficiency in Sustainable Agricultural Systems”. Rosario, Argentina, September 2009.
Gil, E., Llorens, J., Llop, J., Queraltó, M., 2008. Proyecto TOPPS: Buenas prácticas fitosanitarias para una mejor calidad del agua. VIII Congrés ICEA (Institució Catalana d’Estudis Agraris). Barcelona, Spain.